
The Asana Playbook to OKRs

To deliver against their most important strategic initiatives, organisations need to be able to clearly set, manage, and measure goals. In fact, a large majority of organisations believe that goal management is critical to business success, with over 83% of companies requiring employees to set goals for themselves and/or their teams. Unfortunately, only 24% of companies believe that they excel at aligning individual employee goals with corporate purpose. 

One way that leaders have addressed the need for goal management is to adopt formal methodologies such as OKRs. Successfully implementing OKRs, however, does not happen overnight. It’s an iterative process that requires vision, collaboration, and commitment to sustain—over time—company alignment around shared goals.

Download this ebook to learn:

  • What are OKRs and why do companies need them?
  • How do leaders currently set and manage OKRs? What challenges do they face?
  • What steps should leaders take to implement OKRs more effectively?
  • How can leaders ensure that team members prioritise the right work to achieve OKRs?

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